Ashley DeHart Utah Wedding Photographer 2022

Utah Wedding Photographer | Serving Park City, Salt Lake, Provo & Beyond

Three Reasons to do a First Look Before the Wedding

After over 8 years as a Utah wedding photographer with 200+ weddings under my belt, I can say with 100% certainty that first looks are the best choice! There are so many reasons why a first look before the wedding day is beneficial. I’ll share my top three reasons with you today!

Reasons to do a first look before the wedding


It’s Private and Intimate

The first reason you should do a first look before the wedding is because it’s a private and intimate moment! You get to see your spouse’s reaction up close. You’ll get to hug and kiss them. You will get to talk and express all your emotions! Whereas a first look as you’re walking down the aisle gives you none of that. You’re surrounded by so many people, you don’t get to hug or kiss or give compliments – it’s just straight into the ceremony. First looks are so much better! Extra time with your spouse is always always always worth it! Wedding days are usually chaotic and semi-stressful, and you don’t want this special moment rushed. Book a separate first look/formals session – it is worth it!

First Look Summer mountain formal session - Jordan Pines Wedding - Utah Wedding Photographer


Lighting and Control

Second, you get so many beautiful photos in the BEST lighting! We schedule the first look and formals session during golden hour so that you’ll have photos in the most perfect, dreamy light! Light is what makes or breaks a photo. Often on wedding days the ceremony is held during a time when the sun is harsh. Not only is the light harsh, but your ceremony guests are always a wild card. Will someone be making a weird face? Is a baby be crying? What if someone holds a cell phone out into the aisle blocking your view? You never know what will happen, and it’s best to not leave such a special moment up to chance!


Enjoy Your Wedding

The third reason you should do a first look before the wedding is because it makes the wedding day schedule so much more enjoyable! A wedding the schedule is pretty constant – always something to do, people to talk to, and events that need to happen. You have invited all these people that mean the most to you, and that means you want to actually spend time with them, right? Well if you haven’t done any portraits before the wedding, then you’ll have to take a big chunk of time away from everyone to capture all the portraits. But if you have already done a first look and formal portraits, then we can quickly work our way through family portraits, capture a few of you two as husband and wife, and then be on our way back to the party! I promise, you’ll love the extra time to actually enjoy your wedding day!

3 Reasons to do a first look before the wedding

And lastly, I always hear the same reason for not wanting to do the first look before the wedding. You want that aisle moment of your fiance crying when they see you. Well guess what? I’m going to let you in on a little secret! If your fiance is the type of person to cry when they see you walk down the aisle, they’ll also be the type of person to cry at your first look! And they’ll probably cry again during the ceremony! First looks aren’t robbing you of that experience, if anything, they give you the chance to experience it twice! Three cheers for first looks!!!



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