Ashley DeHart Utah Wedding Photographer 2022

Utah Wedding Photographer | Serving Park City, Salt Lake, Provo & Beyond

Salt Lake Temple Sealing Cherie & CJ

One month ago I had the pleasure of documenting Cherie and CJ as they got sealed in the Salt Lake City LDS temple. Cherie and CJ, along with their three little guys, traveled from Colorado to get sealed here in Utah. I don’t blame them, the Salt Lake temple is one of the prettiest buildings out there! It’s also one of my favorite temples to shoot at, so I’ll take any chance I get to photograph happy people in love there! When I met up with Cherie & CJ to do their photos, they were all relaxing outside. In December! It was an unusually warm day, and for that I’m so thankful! I’m definitely not built for winter weather haha.

Cherie and CJ were happy and joking around the whole time. Cherie’s bouquet kept shedding glitter everywhere and it ended up all over CJ every time I had them kiss haha. Nothing like a glitter moustache on your wedding day, right? 😉 Cherie and CJ also had some family members along to support their new marriage and cheer them along. They were all so sweet! Cherie & CJ’s three sons weren’t totally into the photos, but hey, that’s ok! They cooperated and smiled when asked, and that’s all I can hope for haha! I was talking to Cherie as we were walking to another spot for photos, and said she’s about to have her hands full with all those boys! I’m sure it’s going to take some adjusting on everyone’s parts, but all those boys will be so much fun!

It was a beautiful day, photographing a beautiful family, and I’m so thankful they had me there to document such a special day! Congratulations Wolinski/Brown family!

Salt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHart

Salt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHartSalt Lake Temple LDS - Utah Wedding Photographer, Ashley DeHart

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