Ashley DeHart Utah Wedding Photographer 2022

Utah Wedding Photographer | Serving Park City, Salt Lake, Provo & Beyond

La Cappella Bountiful Wedding Claire + Colton

Claire and Colton’s wedding was a blast! Their wedding at the Bountiful temple and reception at La Cappella was filled to the brim with heartwarming moments! The happy couple exited the temple with huge smiles on their faces! From that moment on, Claire and Colton’s day was amazing! Their family and friends were the best supporters, and couldn’t have been better to work with!

The good vibes continued over at La Cappella, and there are so many things I want to remember about their wedding day. The lovely speech that Claire’s father gave during the luncheon, bringing everyone to tears. The funny retelling of Claire and Colton’s love story by their awesome DJ, Chris Davis. Claire and Colton had voice-overs of them telling their parents how much they mean to them, and it was so sweet! I just loved all the special touches that were added in throughout their reception that celebrated their families!

Did I mention the phenomenal dancing?! There are only a few weddings I’ve been to where everyone dances their hearts out, and this was definitely one of them! Claire is a dance major at BYU-I and as you might have guessed, her and all her friends know how to DANCE! Country dancing, ballroom dancing, you name it – it happened! It was so dang fun to witness and take photos of!

Claire and Colton, congratulations on your marriage! It is clear to see that you two adore each other, and I know you will have fun dancing through life together! I wish you both the best, and thank you so much for having me capture your special day!



PHOTOGRAPHY: Ashley DeHart Photography | CAKE: Parson’s Bakery | VENUE: La Cappella | DJ: Chris Davis, Wildfire Entertainment


La Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Temple Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Temple Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Temple Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Temple Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Temple Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah Wedding

La Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah WeddingLa Cappella Bountiful Wedding - Ashley DeHart Utah Wedding


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