Ashley DeHart Utah Wedding Photographer 2022

Utah Wedding Photographer | Serving Park City, Salt Lake, Provo & Beyond

Canterbury Place Wedding | Bountiful, Utah Aubry & Durran

Aubry & Durran are two people who exude love and joy and happiness, and I’m so very happy that a mishap with another photographer allowed me to meet them! Their wedding was held on a beautiful August day at the Canterbury Place in Bountiful, Utah. It was beautiful, and magical just like any wedding day should be. But first, let’s go back to the beginning.

Their relationship didn’t start out like a typical love story. In fact it was definitely not love at first sight. Aubry & Durran met at work. He was her boss. And to put it simply, she was not a fan of him. Time passed, they both grew up a little, and then the wonderful world of social media connected them again. They became friends on Facebook, and a wonderful friendship flourished from there. They would talk about their lives, jobs, and all the terrible dates (while simultaneously hoping for the other person to have a terrible date, because they both liked each other!). Finally they both admitted there were some feelings there, and the rest, as they say, is history.

As I said before, Aubry and Durran are both amazing people! Having to switch photographers just days before your wedding would, understandably, make any bride a little stressed. But Aubry handled everything with such grace, and welcome me right in on the wedding day. The two of them had so many friends and family there to support their love. I always say you can tell a lot about a person by who they surround themselves with, and Aubry and Durran are surrounded by some pretty dang funny people! Let’s just say I was cracking up while doing the bridal party portraits! Such characters!

One of my favorite things I witnessed, was right after they signed the marriage license. Aubry and Durran did a little secret handshake to “officially” seal the deal, and it was the cutest thing ever! Aubry and Durran, I am so glad I was able to step in and photograph your wedding! Thanks so much for being awesome humans, and I wish you both so much happiness together!

The Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart PhotographyThe Caterbury Place Wedding in Bountiful, Utah | Ashley DeHart Photography

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