I first met Halley and Tye back in March for their formal session. Their first look was so endearing, and I loved being able to witness the sweetness of their relationship. Flash forward two months later, the snow melted, the sun is shining, and it’s Halley and Tye’s wedding day! The happy couple exited the Ogden LDS temple to the cheers of family and friends. It was such a joyous day, and I know that the happy couple was so appreciative of everyone’s support.
Family photos for their Ogden LDS temple wedding were great. Everyone listened and worked together to get it done quickly. Halley and Tye were eager to get to their reception, so we hit the few classic spots around the temple for their husband and wife portraits, and we were off for more celebrating.
Ogden LDS Temple Wedding
They rented a cute AirBNB for their backyard reception, and it worked out wonderfully! Halley and Tye had a “ring ceremony” of sorts, where Tye’s sweet Dad Wes gave a touching speech, and read sweet words from both of the moms.
A really fun part of the celebration came next. The parents and siblings of Tye and Halley gave the couple presents t0 help them on their marriage journey. Some gifts were sweet (diamond earrings), while some were a little tongue in cheek and funny (Paul Blart Mall Cop). I loved this, and even told my husband that we should we remember that for our kids future weddings. At the end of the gift giving, they played a touching speech that could have been written by Halley’s angel dad, and there was not a dry eye around!
Lots of laughter, tears, first dances, and a touch of cake smashing rounded up the celebrations. Halley and Tye, I am so happy for you two!! Your Ogden LDS temple wedding was beautiful and full of so much love and support! You two care so much about each other, and it is so easy to see! I am excited to hear where you are going on your surprise honeymoon, and to see you succeed in life and love! Congratulations!!
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ashley DeHart Photography | DRESS: Circle of Love | PLANNING/CATERING: Lindsey Walker